Why is Family Involvement Necessary?

As the philosopher Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

This couldn’t be more the case when working with teens and young adults to decrease at-risk behaviors and improve overall mental health: working therapeutically to create transformation within the family system is essential to creating positive outcomes for teens. Research clearly indicates that treatment efficacy and outcomes are improved when families participate in treatment. Oakwood’s ability to join with the parents and work together closely, as an integrated team, is an essential component in creating an environment for the teen that is conducive to positive change. Through education, support, and intensive therapy the family is given direct guidance to facilitate this change within the family system.



Welcome to Oakwood Institute

At Oakwood, we “get” what families need to feel supported, and we have the clinical resources necessary to achieve successful outcomes for our clients. We believe that families are complex systems that come with many parts, and as such we provide families the comprehensive help they truly need to create positive change not just for the adolescent, but for the family system as a whole.

Intensive Outpatient Program